Returning Student Discount

Already completed one of our classes? We think you should get credit for that! So we're making your next class, training, or certification less expensive.

Seeking out and receiving any formal training for anything is something we highly respect, appreciate, and commend you for. When it comes to firearm training, we don't want to just provide you with training wheels and leave the rest up to you to figure out on your own. Ongoing firearm training and practice is important. It's also highly respected and appreciated, no matter your skill level. That's why we came up with our Returning Student Discount.

To help encourage ongoing training, education, and continued focus on firearm safety, all students that have completed any of our classes, certification courses, or trainings are eligible to receive a discount on future classes. Take advantage of discounted rates by letting us know you've previously completed any of our classes.

All we ask is for you to send us a photo of your previous TVSA Certificate of Completion. We'll be excited to see you return, to sign you up for your next class, and help you further your skill level goals at your discounted rate.

Stay Safe. Stay Educated. Stay Practiced. Stay Strapped.